Corporate Recognition Fine Art Prints

Thank them for their loyalty and hard work with Personalized Recognition Fine Art Prints.
A gift of personalized fine art is always appreciated.

Whether it’s a favorite client or a valued employee, they'll appreciate and enjoy a timeless gift of an original, personalized and limited-edition print signed by Artist Dennis A. Boyce of Big Fat Artist Productions. Each award can be customized with your recognition words, corporate logo or personal image. These custom awards are great corporate or business gifts and service recognition awards.

At DB Graphics/Big Fat Artist Productions, we’ve been providing corporations an alternative to the usual recognition awards for over 18 years. We offer original fine art prints incorporating your business logo into favorite scenes important to you or your organization. Commission work can be based on favorite images of sports venues, historical corporate locations, or anything you can imagine. Recipients will enjoy an original, customized print created especially for them.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pensacola Gallery Night - Septmeber 18, 2009

Planning on showing with Port City Markets tonight... hopefully it won't rain! I won't be taking in a huge amount of my paintings with the threat, but will have a few favorites, new abstracts, cards with my images and some of my children's book Tittle Tattle at the Zoo.

I read the book to several 3rd grade classes this week at a local school.. I love doing those, out of the mouths of babes. It's lots of fun.... more scheduled next week, maybe if I can swing it, I'll pop up a video of it.

Hope to see you tonight - stay dry!